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Longest Snapchat Streak 2024

Longest Snapchat Streak 2024

Snapchat, the popular social media platform known for its ephemeral nature, introduced the concept of streaks to its users several years ago. For those unfamiliar, a Snapchat streak is formed when two users exchange snaps (photos or videos) consecutively for multiple days. These streaks have become a significant aspect of Snapchat culture, often symbolizing the […]

What is the World Record for Highest Snap Score?

What is the World Record for Highest Snap Score?

The world record for the highest Snapchat score is held by a user named mustbecris, with a score exceeding 320 million points. It’s important to note that achieving such a high score likely involves sending and receiving a massive amount of Snaps daily. There’s no official confirmation on mustbecris’s methods, but some speculate it might […]